Saturday, July 31, 2010

Teen Camp 2010

This was our first time at camp as a married couple...what an adventure! We lucked out and had a room to ourselves...i guess that's what happens when you are the District Vice President and Secretary. Teen camp is just another opportunity for youth pastors to get together and act like kids...just kidding, well that is part of it. We had a great week spending time with the teens and other youth worker friends. One of the highlights of the week included: The Godfather of Love's return appearance and the debut of Her Hotness. This is a South Carolina district tradition that Andy has brought to South Florida and it is by far one of the best parts of camp. This year Ashley got to take part in the Love Doctor skit and debuted as Her Hotness. Basicly this is a time for teens to write love notes to the person they have a crush on and the Love Doctor...or The Godfather of Love reads them outloud and makes comments and gives the teens a chance to meet. We definitly got a laugh out of the letters and each other as we intertained the crowd. Superhero Night
Celebrating one of our teens birthday.

80's Night

The Godfather of Love and Her Hottness

Group Picture of our teens

Western Night