Friday, July 10, 2009

a long overdue blog...............

Hello Blog it goes....a long overdue update.

The move down to Florida was successful. The car and all it's contents made it safe...and thanks to two great drivers...I didn't have to make the trip by car.

This part of the adventure began for me on June 27th with a flight to Orlando with mom. It was a great trip and really enjoyed having it with her. We met up with Dad and Andy at the airport and I was wisked off to Venice. On Monday the 29th Andy and I arreived back in Orlando to enjoy the rest of General Assembly with a few of our closest friends. I love Nazarene World and I loved introducing Andy to all of our family friends and being introduced to people he knows from South Carolina. It was a really great week and one of the best times with family. After such a great time together i was hard to leave and my first night in Venice was shockingly harder than I was expecting. I missed my family so much and bless his heart, Andy helped ease my anxiety with humor. We were sitting in our future Master bedroom with all of our shower gifts and I started to cry because i missed my family. I grabbed one of our brand new wash clothes to use as a tissue and of course that began a night of laughter. Now almost two weeks later I'm feeling more and more adjusted to being here. God has granted me the desires of my heart and I am delighted to see what the future wil hold for Andy and I together in ministry.

A few of the recent highlights:

-Shopping for furniture together. Finding some great deals and moving everything into the house. Purchasing a sectional couch with a sleeper sofa section, recliner and lounge...lots of room for visitors.

-Spending the 4th of July on Venice beach. We had planned for a romantic picnic and ended up spending the evening with some of the teens who were also at the beach. It ended up being lots of fun...and I'm so glad I threw in extra snacks. Fireworks on the beach are the best!!

-Andy headed to camp on Monday, July 6th and I was left back to watch the dog. Me and Riley (the dog) spent some quality time together and survived our first Florida thunderstorm together. I spent the week cleaning and setting up our house while Andy spent the week with teenagers at camp.

-I went to camp on Wednesday to see the teens and Andy and was so happy to see the teens so excited to see me. It made my heart happy. Also got to see Andy as the "Love Doctor" one of his secret talents.

-Being alone at the condo with no tv, internet, radio or anything has helped me to realize that God is greator than my weakness and fear. Seeing how He has worked in the past year makes me realize that God blesses obedient hearts. This time a year ago I was working in Iowa for Nazarene Disaster Response. Talking with people who lost everything due to the Flood Waters, was how I spent a great part of my summer. This year I am being washed with God's living water and seeing how faithful He is. I am blessed how God has brought Andy back into my life and that we are less than two months away from getting married.

-Getting tons of texts from people who have received the wedding invitation. I love how excited people are for us as we get closer to the wedding day! Thank you all for your excitement and support.

The next few weeks will be full of excitement as we take the teens to a water park and go on vacation to South Carolina. I will do better with posting and will try to include some pics of this adventure soon.