Sunday, May 3, 2009

We are getting married!

Welcome to the new blog. MAny of you followed along as I blogged last summer when I took a once in a lifetime roadtrip with my brother. I decided it was once again time for some blogging. This summer I will be busy with wedding planning, moving, looking for a job and preparing to marry my best friend, Andy.
Many of you haven't heard our story, so I'm starting the blog with how this amazing adventure began. Andy and I met in college at Trevecca Nazarene University. We were both RA's (resident assistants) and had mutual friends. I had a crush on him all along, but he never knew it. He graduated and went home to South Carolina to work as a youth pastor. I graduated and moved to Michigan to go to graduate school. We randomly, or not so randomly, thannks to reconnected via facebook. Which cracks me up cause who knew God would use something so random to bring us back into each others lives. I soon found out that Andy had moved to Florida and was the youth pastor at my grandfathers church. We began emailing back and forth and then talking on the phone. Four hour phone calls turned into monthly visits...and i guess you could say the rest is history.

Engagement story: I was visiting Andy over spring break in April and Andy planned for us to go see the sunset the day
I arrieved into town. I was so worried about my memory card because i forgot to bring it and i made him stop so i could get one. I went in and came out with the memory card and some Whoppers( malted milk balls). He looked shocked when i got in the car with the Whoppers. He asked me why I got them and i replied to have a snack while we watch the sunset. Well, Andy had arranged for a photographer to be there because he was going to propose at sunset. I decided to leave them in the car because they would melt and he looked relieved. I wasn't thinking anything about us about to get engaged. So we were looking at the water and Andy began asking me questions. The first was "Do you know that I love you?" and I responded in a cute way "I love you too, and I love the beach, and I love Florida, and I love the sand..." Not thinking he was about to get all serious, I thought it was cute, then he took my hands and got down on one knee. I said "are you serious right now, i hope you aren't joking". He calmly said "Yes, I'm serious. Ashley, I love you and I am so glad God brought you back into my life. I can't imagine my life without you. You are the love of my life and i was wondering if you would do me the honor and privalegde of being my partner in life and ministry. Will you marry me?" I screamed "Yes! Yes! Yes!" over and over again and was so excited! It was an amazing moment in time that I will never forget. He then turned me to face a man with a camera and said "I hired this guy and he has been taking pictures of us the entire time." I screamed again and asked "do we know him?" Andy had to say it again before I got it...that he had hired a photographer to capture every moment of the engagement. He then took beautiful engagment photos for us. We finished the envening with a nice dinner and then gonig to our friends house where some of the teens were waiting. IT was the best night of my life so far!

1 comment:

  1. Andy isn't the only one who didn't know that you had a crush on him all along... ;)
